Friday, February 13, 2009

Early childhood care Ten Mistakes

Early childhood care Ten Mistakes 

Early childhood care 

  Misunderstanding one: milk eggs breakfast the way 
If there is no breakfast cereal, such as steamed bread, noodles, congee and so on, can easily affect the development of the child's height. Secondly, the milk for the child can be a water to drink, parents can drink milk in children after the children drank a small quantity of water used to clean the child's mouth. 

Misunderstanding two: many children eat calcium calcium 
Infants and young children is not a calcium deficiency in vivo, but the lack of calcium by the body to absorb vitamin D. Thus a small amount of cod liver oil drops direct trickle-down mouth, such as children manner, its effect will be better than eating calcium calcium. 

Misunderstanding number three: children should dress 
Temperature up to near 30 ℃, kindergartens, some children are still wearing. In fact, children exercise heat more often than adults, parents should let their kids dress and, like many on the list. 

Misunderstanding four: vegetables, soy products are 
Soy products can be seen as, if the children eat meat at the end of the tofu-ray will be a lack of vegetables. Scrambled eggs and tomato is appropriate meat dish with vegetables. 

Misunderstanding Five: constipated children need to eat bananas, etc. 
Only regardless of bananas are used, the most important thing is to help children develop good bowel habits and defecation time fixed. 

Misunderstanding Six: Children should not the sun 
Some parents in their children when the sun, casting a scarf to the children, wear a hat, and some even drying across the glass. The correct way is to give children the rear of the drying head, wrists, ankles, buttocks, to prevent illness. 

Misunderstanding of seven: visceral equivalent to the liver 
Viscera of great benefit to the child's development, many parents desperate for a child to eat the liver and that this will do. In fact, the internal organs include heart, lung, lumbar, and the liver often have harmful ingredients and should not eat. So parents should be many other children eat offal. 

Misunderstandings of Eight: snacking is harmful to health 
Should be addressed to the many children eat snack, supplementary nutrients in vivo. Tall and thin, especially children, to give them the best after dinner snacking, eating before going to bed has been so far. On the primary school children can also be used to enhance development of this method. 

Misunderstanding of nine: eat nutritious vegetable peeler 
In fact, making soup is very nutritious vegetable skins, such as skin boiled radish soup, sponge gourd soup. nutritious than leaves, such as cooked vegetables is very nutritious soup. 

Misunderstanding of ten: child does not like to eat meat 
In fact, children do not like to eat the kind of hard to chew the meat, like chicken, beef, mutton, children like to eat that are easy to chew the meat, such as bullfrogs, shrimp, yellow great.

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