Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hypertensive patients of the 10 recommendations

Hypertensive patients of the 10 recommendations 

Hypertension recommendations 

Below are the expert for hypertensive patients given 10 recommendations: 
1. Control their weight. Control of the BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 in (body mass index is a measure of obesity is an important indicator; BMI = weight kg / height squared m2). Maintain such a weight and height ratio is conducive to heart health. 
2. Eat enough cereal foods include: whole wheat bread, rice and flour, such as Italy. 
3. Eat enough fruits and vegetables. 10 ounces a day to eat a variety of colored vegetables and fruits can be added to the body enough of the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 
4. Daily milk. Daily consumption of 2-3 ounces of milk can keep bones and teeth hard to provide the body's calcium requirements and maintain appropriate weight. When we should pay attention, the best to eat low-fat or skim dairy products, as containing too much fat milk has lead to the risk of high cholesterol. 
5. To control the intake of meat. Not to meat as a staple food, daily meat, fish, eggs contain about 2 ounces total. Avoid fatty meat, and to maintain the type of the rich. Fish, chicken and lean meat is a relatively good choice. 
6. To eat beans and nuts. Every week you eat 4-5 ounces of nuts and beans. These foods not only rich in protein, also contains unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids help protect blood vessels and the heart. 
7. Limiting the intake of fat and oil each day to control about 2-3 ounces. Compared with the sugar and protein and fat have the most calories is the cause of obesity as an important material. Control the amount of fat, help to maintain normal body weight. 
8. To control the consumption of salt. Every day to control the amount of salt in about 2.4 grams. Those who want to eat pickled foods, canned food and salt processed foods; eat more fresh food. 
9. Away from our bed. Do not always lie on the bed or sofa motionless, some more exercise. 30 minutes a day of exercise can significantly lower blood pressure. 
10. The right amount of alcohol 
     Hypertension is a typical modern "diseases of civilization", its causes and diet have a significant contact. Because in everyday life, such as high blood pressure, as well as some of it caused by myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, stroke and other diseases are dealt with by the patient "taste heavy" caused; change "taste heavy" eating habits, is the control and prevention of hypertension an important measure. For patients with essential hypertension, the restrictions on daily intake of salt is the most simple and effective control methods: the daily salt intake should be controlled at 6 grams of salt for seasoning to abandon short, in particular, should be light from an early age children develop eating habits, which is to ensure that human health is very necessary. 
     Hypertensive patients the daily diet should be light enough nutrition and diet mainly eat less food, such as animal offal, egg yolk, animal fats, etc.; should choose edible vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil can eat egg white, soy products such as nutritional supplements. Staple food should be consumed, such as millet, sorghum, beans, sweet potato, including coarse grains, the control of hypertension, also has certain benefits. In the choice of vegetables and fruits, the edible celery, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, wax gourd, edible fungus, mushrooms, onions, kelp, garlic, cabbage, potatoes, sponge gourd, taro, eggplant and other vegetables, and apples, bananas, watermelons, Horseshoe , Hawthorn, such as the role of antihypertensive or hypolipidemic fruits. 
     The following re-introduction of several in favor of specific control and prevention of hypertension therapeutic methods: 
Vinegar foam peanuts peanuts 200 grams, 500 grams of vinegar. Wash the peanuts after the remove, Drain water, and then sealed immersion Add vinegar, about a week or so you can remove l consumption. night take 2 ~ 4, chew use. 
Horseshoe Horseshoe jellyfish drink 400 grams. Jellyfish 150 grams. The horseshoe to clean skin after , jellyfish rinse with warm water after clean cut filaments. Will be injected into the pan about 1000 milliliters of water, after boiling Add Horseshoe Ding, jellyfish silk. Pot until water consumption to about 250 milliliters, they can into the container Sheng, points to the second drink. 
 kelp Laminaria 200 grams, 50 grams laver. Will kelp washed into filaments after steamed, hand-torn piece of seaweed. Put the pan of water until after boiling kelp, laver, seasonings,   can consumption after a while. 
Almond paste almonds eggs 20 grams, five grams gardenia, pepper, 5, 15 grams glutinous rice, eggs 1. The almond, gardenia, pepper, all of pounded glutinous rice, add the eggs to reconcile into a paste, apply mature足心every night before going to bed. 
Introduce a group of hypertensive therapeutic methods, particularly effective in the early stage of hypertension: 
One early in the morning with a cup of cold water about 1000ml, this could make a night to supplement the loss of water will enable the blood of at least 6 hours变淡to directly reduce the pressure on the heart and blood vessels. Atherosclerotic plaque can also enable liquefaction. 
2, limited to salt or salt-free breakfast Breakfast 
Limit salt and no salt can make blood viscosity变淡, and is conducive to glomerular filtration, a large number of urinary sodium excretion also allows in vitro to achieve the purpose of blood pressure, high blood pressure early, doctors to patients with out Hydrochlorothiazide urine diuretic drugs, such as Sierra Leone , is the mechanism of diuretic excretion, reduce blood solubilization capacity of step-down purpose. 
3, light diet 
Eat less fried food, fried, fried food, eat more vegetables and diuretic Jiangzhi food such as white gourd, boiled soybeans, etc., eat more vegetable oil, animal oil eat less.
4, the total control 
Whatever the food, you have to control to semi-saturated saturated八成's sake, do not depend on supplementary food. 
In accordance with the principles of the above-mentioned high blood pressure diet control diet, after a short time you may not need treatment of hypertension. 
     Arterial hypertension is high blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure continues to rise especially characterized by systemic, chronic vascular disease, it is a combination of factors affect the incidence results. In which dietary factors in hypertension play an important role, mainly animal fat diet, high cholesterol, and eating too much sodium, food potassium, calcium is too small (that is of poor quality protein), excessive drinking, which are dietary factors that lead to high blood pressure, so a reasonable choice in patients with essential hypertension diet is very important. 
     Hypertensive patients with normal light vegetarian main eat low-fat, low cholesterol food such as fish, lean meat, rabbit meat, beef, beans and bean products, etc., because such foods contain cholesterol low, and beans and soy products also contain Valley steroids, steroid Valley has curb the role of intestinal absorption of cholesterol. 
Vitamin has to promote the role of fat metabolism, especially vitamin C can lower cholesterol, so patients are advised more and more food containing vitamins of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, celery, shepherd's purse, radish, carrots and so on. 
It should also be appropriately selected patients with hypertension have lipid-lowering effect of some fresh food such as kelp, jellyfish, sea cucumbers, mussels, sunflower seeds, sesame and so on. Usually advised to choose cooking oils, it is best to choose peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil. 
     This disease should eat less or do not eat animal fats and cholesterol with higher levels of food, such as fatty meat, all kinds of animal oil, bone marrow, butter, liver, heart, brain, kidney, egg yolk,fish, cod liver oil, crabs and so on spicy Food should also eat less or eat. 
     Hypertensive patients to restrict salt intake, the daily salt intake to control in the 3 ~ 5 grams. Cook wish of pickles, mustard, salt, tea, eggs and other foods containing high sodium should also be eating or fasting, bananas, watermelon, apples, hawthorn, such as potassium may be more appropriate to eat more food. 
     Diet in patients with regular quantitative, not overeating, drinking liquor ban, not eat rooster, dog and so on, overweight need to diet and increased physical activity to meet the standard weight. 
     Hypertension complicated illness, high incidence, a longer course of disease, more complications, so as to prevent it is good. 
Hypertension at primary and secondary two. The reason is that the incidence of congenital carotid long distorted skull deformity artery, long-term systemic arterial blood pressure too high, the formation of an independent hypertension. Symptoms of hypertension is due to the central nervous system dysfunction, mental stimulation, mood swings, so that increased excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, increased secretion of adrenal medulla, causing small artery contraction and spasm, hardening, resulting in luminal stenosis, blood pressure continues to rise. 

Governance essential hypertension 
Prescription: Shouwu 50 grams, 25 grams Concha Haliotidis, mother-of-pearl 20 grams, chrysanthemum, Gouteng the 15 grams. 
Usage: decoction, 1 day, serving 2. 
Efficacy: 15 ~ 60 days of medication and the effective rate was 98.6 
Prescription: Yejuhua, short of the 500 grams of bamboo leaves, Chuanxiong, each 200 grams of mulberry leaves,XX 100 grams, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Cortex, Viticis, Green Muxiang each 50 grams, magnets, each 30 grams of sand silkworm. 
Usage: In addition to flowers, leaves outside medicine are subject to pulverisation mix, loaded with often shine, the dressing was changed once a month. 
Efficacy: regular pillow, and a stable blood pressure effect

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