Thursday, February 26, 2009

Identifying businesses for your portfolio

Identifying businesses for your portfolio
If you’ve read Mr. Town’s book you are familiar with the terms such as ROIC, Equity Growth Rate, and EPS Growth Rate. So how do you find the businesses in which to invest? The best way to get started is to invest in what you know. Peter Lynch, former manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund is one of the most well-known advocates of this strategy. The book is One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild.

Zecco is an on-line brokerage site that has introduced $0.00 commissions to buy and sell stocks. How do they stay in business? Zecco makes money through 2 major revenue streams, online advertisements and interest from margin accounts.
Zecco is safe and secure; trade confirmations are mailed to your home address from their clearinghouse. The advantage to you as in individual investor is that you can get into and out of a stock for no cost! You can open an account at

8. Getting Started

8. Getting Started
Commission free Trading
The first step to getting started is to open an IRA brokerage account. The brokerage account will allow you to purchase not only mutual funds, but also individual stocks. Trading within an IRA account will allow you to compound your gains tax-deferred. (You may also want to consider a Roth-IRA brokerage account depending on your expected tax bracket at retirement). There are plenty of on-line brokers that offer IRA accounts from which to choose. The commissions typically range from $7.95 to $19.95. The problem with the commission is that it eats into your profits, especially when you are just getting started. But there is good news.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Depositions by court reporters;

Printing and mailing services;

Going to court and filing documents;

Copying services; and

Document storage services;

Unlike a salaried employee

Unlike a salaried employee, if you are not happy with the work a virtual assistant provides — you don’t pay the invoice.

Matt: I don't know. The whole concept of sending my client files outside the office to a virtual bankruptcy assistant I have never met is not something I would be comfortable with. How did you deal with that fear?
Dennis: First of all, your files never leave the office. The client intake forms (filled out by the client) are faxed or scanned into a PDF document and emailed to the virtual assistant. All the originals are retained in the client file which never leaves the office.
Besides, law firms have been outsourcing their work for many years. The only difference is they did not use the term "virtual assistants." When in fact, a virtual assistant is simply a person that performs work offsite for a law firm and 90% to 100% of the communication is handled via the internet or by telephone. The law firm communicates and receives finished work via the internet through emails and PDF files versus paper. In the past, law firms used outside assistance for:

Virtual assistants are notorious for keeping backups of their client’s work on CD-Rom. After the job is complete, you can request the CD-Rom be mailed to you or keep in the virtual assistant’s office as a back-up in case your computers fail.

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology.
They have to. Their income depends on it.

Matt: But electronic filing is now mandatory for bankruptcy attorneys. They have no choice but to embrace technology now.
Dennis: You're right. And that is why you are now hearing about the "virtual bankruptcy assistant" world. The paralegal who developed The Lawyer Assistant back in 2000 and sold it in 2002 has been actively working to train virtual bankruptcy assistants to provide specialized services to bankruptcy attorneys. She has been the inspiration for hundreds of people who started their own businesses and some of them are growing very rapidly and are financially successful.
There is even a company that offers franchise opportunities for paralegals wishing to start their own virtual assistant business working for attorneys. It was started by two paralegals, Dorothy Secol, CLA and Peggy E Stalford, LA and is called Paralegal Services USA. So you can see, the virtual assistant world is rapidly expanding. I anticipate that within five years, the virtual assistant field will literally boom.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to
ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained
in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies,
omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people,
places or organizations are unintentional.

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm. . 2006 by Victoria
Ring. Printed and bound in the United States of America. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means; electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval
system — except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in
a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the
internet - without permission in writing from the publisher. For
information, please contact Graphico Publishing, 1601 West Fifth
Avenue, Suite 123, Columbus, Ohio 43212-2303 or

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months, if a trustee has
been appointed then fees continue to accumulate and this can lead to the loss of
your home and any saleable assets.

-Assets which you obtain before you become discharged will still be controlled

by the trustee, who can deal with them at any time up to 3 years in the future.
-The bankruptcy remains on your credit file for 6 years
-Bank accounts are difficult to obtain
-You will not be able to obtain credit for £500 or more from any person without

first telling them that you are bankrupt. To see whether you would qualify for a
Bankruptcy Annulment, please fill in the enquiry form so that an expert in this
field can assess whether a successful annulment is possible for you..

About Bankruptcy Annulment

About Bankruptcy Annulment
A bankruptcy order can be annulled by the court if

(1) You have repaid your debts and bankruptcy expenses in full, or
(2) You have provided full security to pledge to guarantee the debts, or
(3) You should not have been made bankrupt at the time the original
bankruptcy order was created, or
(4) A creditors' meeting has approved an IVA proposal.
Even if you have been made bankrupt and have been discharged after 12
months, it is often in your interests to at least enquire whether this could be an
option for you -the reasons being: