Monday, February 23, 2009

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months, if a trustee has
been appointed then fees continue to accumulate and this can lead to the loss of
your home and any saleable assets.

-Assets which you obtain before you become discharged will still be controlled

by the trustee, who can deal with them at any time up to 3 years in the future.
-The bankruptcy remains on your credit file for 6 years
-Bank accounts are difficult to obtain
-You will not be able to obtain credit for £500 or more from any person without

first telling them that you are bankrupt. To see whether you would qualify for a
Bankruptcy Annulment, please fill in the enquiry form so that an expert in this
field can assess whether a successful annulment is possible for you..

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