Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology.
They have to. Their income depends on it.

Matt: But electronic filing is now mandatory for bankruptcy attorneys. They have no choice but to embrace technology now.
Dennis: You're right. And that is why you are now hearing about the "virtual bankruptcy assistant" world. The paralegal who developed The Lawyer Assistant back in 2000 and sold it in 2002 has been actively working to train virtual bankruptcy assistants to provide specialized services to bankruptcy attorneys. She has been the inspiration for hundreds of people who started their own businesses and some of them are growing very rapidly and are financially successful.
There is even a company that offers franchise opportunities for paralegals wishing to start their own virtual assistant business working for attorneys. It was started by two paralegals, Dorothy Secol, CLA and Peggy E Stalford, LA and is called Paralegal Services USA. So you can see, the virtual assistant world is rapidly expanding. I anticipate that within five years, the virtual assistant field will literally boom.

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