Thursday, February 26, 2009

Identifying businesses for your portfolio

Identifying businesses for your portfolio
If you’ve read Mr. Town’s book you are familiar with the terms such as ROIC, Equity Growth Rate, and EPS Growth Rate. So how do you find the businesses in which to invest? The best way to get started is to invest in what you know. Peter Lynch, former manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund is one of the most well-known advocates of this strategy. The book is One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild.

Zecco is an on-line brokerage site that has introduced $0.00 commissions to buy and sell stocks. How do they stay in business? Zecco makes money through 2 major revenue streams, online advertisements and interest from margin accounts.
Zecco is safe and secure; trade confirmations are mailed to your home address from their clearinghouse. The advantage to you as in individual investor is that you can get into and out of a stock for no cost! You can open an account at

8. Getting Started

8. Getting Started
Commission free Trading
The first step to getting started is to open an IRA brokerage account. The brokerage account will allow you to purchase not only mutual funds, but also individual stocks. Trading within an IRA account will allow you to compound your gains tax-deferred. (You may also want to consider a Roth-IRA brokerage account depending on your expected tax bracket at retirement). There are plenty of on-line brokers that offer IRA accounts from which to choose. The commissions typically range from $7.95 to $19.95. The problem with the commission is that it eats into your profits, especially when you are just getting started. But there is good news.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Depositions by court reporters;

Printing and mailing services;

Going to court and filing documents;

Copying services; and

Document storage services;

Unlike a salaried employee

Unlike a salaried employee, if you are not happy with the work a virtual assistant provides — you don’t pay the invoice.

Matt: I don't know. The whole concept of sending my client files outside the office to a virtual bankruptcy assistant I have never met is not something I would be comfortable with. How did you deal with that fear?
Dennis: First of all, your files never leave the office. The client intake forms (filled out by the client) are faxed or scanned into a PDF document and emailed to the virtual assistant. All the originals are retained in the client file which never leaves the office.
Besides, law firms have been outsourcing their work for many years. The only difference is they did not use the term "virtual assistants." When in fact, a virtual assistant is simply a person that performs work offsite for a law firm and 90% to 100% of the communication is handled via the internet or by telephone. The law firm communicates and receives finished work via the internet through emails and PDF files versus paper. In the past, law firms used outside assistance for:

Virtual assistants are notorious for keeping backups of their client’s work on CD-Rom. After the job is complete, you can request the CD-Rom be mailed to you or keep in the virtual assistant’s office as a back-up in case your computers fail.

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology

Most virtual assistants have advanced knowledge in technology.
They have to. Their income depends on it.

Matt: But electronic filing is now mandatory for bankruptcy attorneys. They have no choice but to embrace technology now.
Dennis: You're right. And that is why you are now hearing about the "virtual bankruptcy assistant" world. The paralegal who developed The Lawyer Assistant back in 2000 and sold it in 2002 has been actively working to train virtual bankruptcy assistants to provide specialized services to bankruptcy attorneys. She has been the inspiration for hundreds of people who started their own businesses and some of them are growing very rapidly and are financially successful.
There is even a company that offers franchise opportunities for paralegals wishing to start their own virtual assistant business working for attorneys. It was started by two paralegals, Dorothy Secol, CLA and Peggy E Stalford, LA and is called Paralegal Services USA. So you can see, the virtual assistant world is rapidly expanding. I anticipate that within five years, the virtual assistant field will literally boom.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to
ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained
in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies,
omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people,
places or organizations are unintentional.

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm. . 2006 by Victoria
Ring. Printed and bound in the United States of America. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means; electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval
system — except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in
a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the
internet - without permission in writing from the publisher. For
information, please contact Graphico Publishing, 1601 West Fifth
Avenue, Suite 123, Columbus, Ohio 43212-2303 or

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months

-Even when a bankrupt has been discharged after 12 months, if a trustee has
been appointed then fees continue to accumulate and this can lead to the loss of
your home and any saleable assets.

-Assets which you obtain before you become discharged will still be controlled

by the trustee, who can deal with them at any time up to 3 years in the future.
-The bankruptcy remains on your credit file for 6 years
-Bank accounts are difficult to obtain
-You will not be able to obtain credit for £500 or more from any person without

first telling them that you are bankrupt. To see whether you would qualify for a
Bankruptcy Annulment, please fill in the enquiry form so that an expert in this
field can assess whether a successful annulment is possible for you..

About Bankruptcy Annulment

About Bankruptcy Annulment
A bankruptcy order can be annulled by the court if

(1) You have repaid your debts and bankruptcy expenses in full, or
(2) You have provided full security to pledge to guarantee the debts, or
(3) You should not have been made bankrupt at the time the original
bankruptcy order was created, or
(4) A creditors' meeting has approved an IVA proposal.
Even if you have been made bankrupt and have been discharged after 12
months, it is often in your interests to at least enquire whether this could be an
option for you -the reasons being:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

By the 10 Mar 08

By the 10 Mar 08, after eight trading days the stock is down to closed
at $50.52, the option premium has increased to $10.30 giving me a
profit of $3.80, a 58% returns.

Looking at the chart the MACD histogram is now at negative territory
indicating a possible longer term bearish trend but William %R is at
the bottom signaling me to get out.

Here comes the greed and the fear factor, greedy to want more profits
and at the same time fear of losing out the profits if the stock turns
around. In order not to be effected by this emotion a trailing stop of
$0.40 was set. This means that if the stock keeps on falling the profits
will be maximized and on the other hand if the stock reverses back up
then it would trigger the trailing stop to exit the position.

Setting my trades on automated mode gives me plenty of time to blog
() while I trade and I don’t have to
stare at the charts for opportunity.

Many who take big risk on earnings will

Many who take big risk on earnings will see it as small profit but I can
sleep soundly without any stress. I obviously don’t want to win big one
day and get a heart attack the next day. Trading should be relaxed
and it has to be consistent. It should not affect our life physically or

Case Study #2 Foundation Coal Holdings Inc

FCL was spotted a bearish reversal candlestick formation on 29 Feb
before market opens which fulfilled all the bearish reversal conditions
coupled with a strong negative divergence present in the stock chart.

FCL was trading at $57.77 and the low was at $56.83 and the trading
plan for FCL entry was set up using a conditional order.

If stock price < $56.60, buy Apr 08 $60.00 Puts

However the order was only triggered 4 days later @ $6.50 when the
stock falls below the entry point. Having paid $3.10 for the time value
leaving behind $3.40 in intrinsic value, I must bear in mind that if the
stock moves sideways, time decay is going to be harmful to this trade.

A stop loss was then set at $4.50 giving enough room for the daily
noises and a maximum of two weeks holding period.

PVH was trading at $41

PVH was trading at $41.65 and if stock price is below $40.50 which is
the low of the reversal candlestick, then buy Jun 08 $40 puts.

A condition order was set up for PVH

Jun08 $40 Put @ market, if stock price < $40.50

The next morning when I switch on my computer to check on my
trades, the order was triggered as the stock plunge below $40.50
and PVH Jun08 $40 Put filled at $4.50 and closed at $5.00,
$0.50 or 11.1% profit in the same day.

After three trading days the stock was down at $37.00, the option
premium has increased to $5.80. Looking at the chart the MACD
histogram is at about half way, still have room to drop but the
William %R is at the bottom sending me a signal to exit.

The question is which indicator to depend on? If you are greedy you
would have stay on, base on my experience it is better to get out even
if there is a possibility to drop some more.

The stock open lower, many would have refused to get out, by then
the options has gone up to $6.20. I set my stop to $6.10 to protect my
profits if it turns around during half time which is common and I can
sleep without any worries of my profits being wiped out.

The stock has indeed turn around and the stop was trigger at
$6.00, giving me $1.50 profit which is about 25% profits in 4
trading days.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Make a tomato sauce. Pour one-half in the bottom of a baking dish or
granite platter, break in from four to six fresh eggs, cover with the
other half of the sauce, dust the top with grated cheese, and bake in
a moderate oven until "set," about fifteen or twenty minutes. Serve
for supper in the place of meat.


6 eggs
4 chicken livers
12 nice mushrooms
1/2 cupful of stock
1/2 teaspoonful of salt
1 dash of pepper
Put the stock in a saucepan and boil rapidly until reduced one-half,
add a drop or two of browning. Throw the chicken livers into boiling
water and let them simmer gently for ten minutes; drain. Slice the
mushrooms and put them, with the livers, into the stock; let them
stand until you have cooked the eggs. Put a tablespoonful of butter in
the bottom of a shallow platter; when melted break in the eggs, stand
them in the oven until "set," garnish with the livers and mushrooms and pour over the sauce.


6 eggs
2 lamb's kidneys
1 cupful of fresh bread crumbs
2 level tablespoonfuls of butter
2 level tablespoonfuls of flour
1/2 pint of stock
1 teaspoonful of kitchen bouquet
1/2 teaspoonful of salt
1 saltspoonful of pepper
Split the kidneys, cut out the tubes; scald them, drain, and cut them
into thin slices. Put the butter into a saucepan, add the kidneys,
toss until the kidneys are cooked, then add the flour, stock, kitchen
bouquet, salt and pepper; stir until boiling. Grease a shallow granite
or silver platter, break into it the eggs, sprinkle over the bread
crumbs and stand them in the oven until the eggs are "set," then pour
over the sauce, arrange the kidneys around the edge of the dish and
send at once to the table.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Early childhood care Ten Mistakes

Early childhood care Ten Mistakes 

Early childhood care 

  Misunderstanding one: milk eggs breakfast the way 
If there is no breakfast cereal, such as steamed bread, noodles, congee and so on, can easily affect the development of the child's height. Secondly, the milk for the child can be a water to drink, parents can drink milk in children after the children drank a small quantity of water used to clean the child's mouth. 

Misunderstanding two: many children eat calcium calcium 
Infants and young children is not a calcium deficiency in vivo, but the lack of calcium by the body to absorb vitamin D. Thus a small amount of cod liver oil drops direct trickle-down mouth, such as children manner, its effect will be better than eating calcium calcium. 

Misunderstanding number three: children should dress 
Temperature up to near 30 ℃, kindergartens, some children are still wearing. In fact, children exercise heat more often than adults, parents should let their kids dress and, like many on the list. 

Misunderstanding four: vegetables, soy products are 
Soy products can be seen as, if the children eat meat at the end of the tofu-ray will be a lack of vegetables. Scrambled eggs and tomato is appropriate meat dish with vegetables. 

Misunderstanding Five: constipated children need to eat bananas, etc. 
Only regardless of bananas are used, the most important thing is to help children develop good bowel habits and defecation time fixed. 

Misunderstanding Six: Children should not the sun 
Some parents in their children when the sun, casting a scarf to the children, wear a hat, and some even drying across the glass. The correct way is to give children the rear of the drying head, wrists, ankles, buttocks, to prevent illness. 

Misunderstanding of seven: visceral equivalent to the liver 
Viscera of great benefit to the child's development, many parents desperate for a child to eat the liver and that this will do. In fact, the internal organs include heart, lung, lumbar, and the liver often have harmful ingredients and should not eat. So parents should be many other children eat offal. 

Misunderstandings of Eight: snacking is harmful to health 
Should be addressed to the many children eat snack, supplementary nutrients in vivo. Tall and thin, especially children, to give them the best after dinner snacking, eating before going to bed has been so far. On the primary school children can also be used to enhance development of this method. 

Misunderstanding of nine: eat nutritious vegetable peeler 
In fact, making soup is very nutritious vegetable skins, such as skin boiled radish soup, sponge gourd soup. nutritious than leaves, such as cooked vegetables is very nutritious soup. 

Misunderstanding of ten: child does not like to eat meat 
In fact, children do not like to eat the kind of hard to chew the meat, like chicken, beef, mutton, children like to eat that are easy to chew the meat, such as bullfrogs, shrimp, yellow great.

Five vegetable soup drunk effectively enhance immunity

Five vegetable soup drunk effectively enhance immunity 

Health body healthy eating 

Five vegetable soup on the prevention of disease, improve their immunity and resistance to disease has a significant effect. 
It consists of burdock, white radish, white radish leaves, carrot, mushrooms boiled in accordance with a certain proportion. Cyan Yanggan white radish leaf, red carrot Yangxin, white radish white, black mushrooms yellow burdock dependent spleen. to "nourish organs, strong body." 
According to our traditional therapeutic system, the "Five Elements soup" sense of proportion. Medicine has long been the motherland, "Five Elements of Health restraint" theory. "Huang Di Nei Jing," pointed out: "blue appropriate acid, Firelight Red wish hardship Yi Gan yellow, white Yi Xin Jin lung, kidney desirable black salt water. For the five internal organs, outside the main five elements, with five-color . " 
Five elements, five colors, five flavors can play with the five internal organs nourished, Xiaozhi qi, yin and yang conditioning, Bushen Yiqi, and reinforce the efficacy of three high, constipation, insomnia, gynecological diseases, cataract, presbyopia, psoriasis, the kinds of inflammation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and other chronic diseases have a very good role in health care. 
At present, by the China Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Xuzhou Tianli declared "vegetable health care and promote the application of law" has been included in China Chinese medicine science and technology development centers communicate scientific and technological achievements to promote the project. Therapy introduced in the five elements of the vegetable soup, great burdock tea varieties such as family therapeutic care to improve people's diet structure, improve the physical quality people, reduce health care costs, will play a positive role. 

From a single food, the "Five Elements soup" of the material has a theoretical basis for cancer prevention. 
Burdock: Burdock is rich in saponins, burdock phenol, inulin, palmitic acid and other substances. Protein, calcium and fiber content of plant foods for the root first. Nutrition experts believe that the United States burdock is a good state of maintenance of the body mild herbs, non-toxic side effects, known as "nature's best blood clearance agent." Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine records, burdock has to promote growth, inhibit tumor and antibacterial activity. 
White radish: 
Civil society has "small radish October ginseng", which can be described as white radish are Jiapin cancer prevention. Which contained a variety of enzymes, can break down carcinogenic nitrosamines. Interferon-inducible activity of which is a very strong agent with anti-virus, anti-cancer function. 
White radish leaf: 
Also known as turnip-under, radish cherry and so on, have Xiaoshi, qi, and the role. Can not rule the spleen and stomach, Needless. 
Rich in carotenoids, have antioxidant, inhibiting the growth of free radicals, enhance immune function, which can also be contained in mannitol treatment of chronic diarrhea. 
Black mushrooms do have a wealth of vitamins and minerals, in which the ribose acid can enhance the body's ability to anti-tumor resistance; Japan, the United States and other countries, scientists have discovered, mushrooms contained in a certain enzyme, can improve the body's cancer inhibiting capacity, so the mushroom known as the "cancer of recruits."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Man early white hair is the deficiency of the kidney may have

Man early white hair is the deficiency of the kidney may have 

Male white kidney deficiency prevention 

Health white male in advance might be because it is deficiency of the kidney 
"Three white fate seems a long depression." There is no lack of poetry in the description of white hair, and had night unhappy story of the first white people have been passed so far. Even the United States had just been elected the new President Obama, it is said was a jet-black bushy hair, during the election campaign has turned into a gray. So, why the president of the white people in the end? Is there really a "white night the first" do? With these questions, "Life Times" reporter interviewed a Beijing hospital for Chinese medicine in dermatology Cang Zhang, deputy director of Physicians. 
Long white hair are derived from "virtual" 
Zhang Cangshui said: "In fact, regardless of what caused the white, are from" virtual "caused even the so-called hot blood caused by is, in essence, is the body dissipation caused by blood essence." 
From the Chinese medicine theory, the blood, while published in the kidney, renal So its in the hair, when the heart does not pay (insomnia, neurasthenia), or innate endowment is insufficient, or excessive thought blood, essence injury or fear, the hair will be white. 
Under normal circumstances, after the 40-year-old president of the white hair, this is because with age, kidney essence gradually decay, should not-rong Yang-hair will appear white. This is a natural phenomenon, nor do they need treatment. However, if a sudden white hair over a period of time, mostly due to the body caused by air-disordered, when the cause for treatment, often to re-black hair. 
Concerned over to make white hair as early as is 
Modern medicine, Concerned over, panic, shock and mental fatigue as the status will enable the supply of hair nutrition vasospasm, so that secretion of melanin barrier function, resulting in white hair generated. For example, in people's lives which are often encountered in such a situation, when the cause is unfavorable, or family members died or suffered serious illness, etc., they will grow in a short time a number of white hair, and even a short time all the white hair. In fact, this is due to the impact of emotions caused. 
Emotional depression or Concerned over, it will lead to stagnation of liver Qi stagnation, so that blood loss and operation, should not lead to blood-rong Yang and white hair. Such people are usually accompanied by dry mouth, dyspepsia, abdominal distension, such as chest tightness, particularly in larger middle-aged pressure on the most common. 
The prevention of white hair, it is necessary to do a good job in a few 
However, for this situation, the U.S. also do not have to worry, because as long as the illness conditioning, hair can be re-darkened. 
First of all, to maintain the spirit of optimism, the spirit of avoiding too much stimulation, because open-minded mood of optimism for the prevention of early white hair is essential. 
Secondly, a reasonable diet and health related hair. Peacetime should eat fresh vegetables, light and diverse diet, overcome bad habits, such as partial eclipse, so that nutritional balance of the body to achieve the therapeutic effect of anti-white. Peacetime can also eat nourishing food, such as walnut, sesame, edible fungus, etc., will help hair growth. Signs began to appear in white, they can eat Bushen Chinese medicine, such as Shouwu flushing system can be used on behalf of tea. 
Once again, massage the scalp can promote blood circulation, improving the supply of the head of nutrition. Available comb hair, or the palm of your hand, fingers rubbing the hair, one day sooner or later all times 1-2 minutes. 
Finally, Zhang Cang said: "The long hair in most cases is a natural phenomenon, do not worry too much, but currently no clinical treatment of white medicine, so do not rely on the market the so-called black magic drug, or eat bad outweigh the body. "

Male sperm morphology reflects the ability to bear children

Male sperm morphology reflects the ability to bear children 

  Male infertility 

Has the study report recommends that the medical profession should be revised inspection standards for male infertility, sperm should be determined according to the form to reflect the male fertility. The report notes that half a century ago by the World Health Organization on the standards set by the ability of male fertility were made across the board requirement that the sperm count ≥ 2000 million / ml, sperm motility ≥ 50% the number of fertility is normal, which is lower than the numerical is sterile. However, many doctors in the clinic found that some are "sterile" male can give birth to children, and some are "normal" for men but not always when the father, male fertility can be seen, there is a gray area, the gray area as in patients with male infertility treatment is a waste of time and money. 
7 University of British co-researcher on 765 infertile men's sperm and has 656 pairs of infertile couples have children, a study to develop a new standard are: sperm count ≥ 4800 million / ml, the activities of a number of ≥ 63%, 12 % of normal sperm morphology is considered to have normal reproductive capabilities; sperm count ≤ 1350 million / ml, the activities of a number of ≤ 32%, normal sperm ≤ 9%, is unable to have children. If the sperm test results between these two, then in a gray area, so that male fertility may have or may not. 
The study emphasized that sperm morphology is the best indicator of male fertility, normal sperm should contain an oval-shaped like the head-end and whip the tail of the first round in shape or client is too large, curled tail of the sperm are abnormal of. What is gratifying is that Beijing Tianlun infertility hospital has been carried out this routine examination, which is the clinical treatment of patients with male infertility has a very important guiding significance.

Hypertensive patients of the 10 recommendations

Hypertensive patients of the 10 recommendations 

Hypertension recommendations 

Below are the expert for hypertensive patients given 10 recommendations: 
1. Control their weight. Control of the BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 in (body mass index is a measure of obesity is an important indicator; BMI = weight kg / height squared m2). Maintain such a weight and height ratio is conducive to heart health. 
2. Eat enough cereal foods include: whole wheat bread, rice and flour, such as Italy. 
3. Eat enough fruits and vegetables. 10 ounces a day to eat a variety of colored vegetables and fruits can be added to the body enough of the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 
4. Daily milk. Daily consumption of 2-3 ounces of milk can keep bones and teeth hard to provide the body's calcium requirements and maintain appropriate weight. When we should pay attention, the best to eat low-fat or skim dairy products, as containing too much fat milk has lead to the risk of high cholesterol. 
5. To control the intake of meat. Not to meat as a staple food, daily meat, fish, eggs contain about 2 ounces total. Avoid fatty meat, and to maintain the type of the rich. Fish, chicken and lean meat is a relatively good choice. 
6. To eat beans and nuts. Every week you eat 4-5 ounces of nuts and beans. These foods not only rich in protein, also contains unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids help protect blood vessels and the heart. 
7. Limiting the intake of fat and oil each day to control about 2-3 ounces. Compared with the sugar and protein and fat have the most calories is the cause of obesity as an important material. Control the amount of fat, help to maintain normal body weight. 
8. To control the consumption of salt. Every day to control the amount of salt in about 2.4 grams. Those who want to eat pickled foods, canned food and salt processed foods; eat more fresh food. 
9. Away from our bed. Do not always lie on the bed or sofa motionless, some more exercise. 30 minutes a day of exercise can significantly lower blood pressure. 
10. The right amount of alcohol 
     Hypertension is a typical modern "diseases of civilization", its causes and diet have a significant contact. Because in everyday life, such as high blood pressure, as well as some of it caused by myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, stroke and other diseases are dealt with by the patient "taste heavy" caused; change "taste heavy" eating habits, is the control and prevention of hypertension an important measure. For patients with essential hypertension, the restrictions on daily intake of salt is the most simple and effective control methods: the daily salt intake should be controlled at 6 grams of salt for seasoning to abandon short, in particular, should be light from an early age children develop eating habits, which is to ensure that human health is very necessary. 
     Hypertensive patients the daily diet should be light enough nutrition and diet mainly eat less food, such as animal offal, egg yolk, animal fats, etc.; should choose edible vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil can eat egg white, soy products such as nutritional supplements. Staple food should be consumed, such as millet, sorghum, beans, sweet potato, including coarse grains, the control of hypertension, also has certain benefits. In the choice of vegetables and fruits, the edible celery, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, wax gourd, edible fungus, mushrooms, onions, kelp, garlic, cabbage, potatoes, sponge gourd, taro, eggplant and other vegetables, and apples, bananas, watermelons, Horseshoe , Hawthorn, such as the role of antihypertensive or hypolipidemic fruits. 
     The following re-introduction of several in favor of specific control and prevention of hypertension therapeutic methods: 
Vinegar foam peanuts peanuts 200 grams, 500 grams of vinegar. Wash the peanuts after the remove, Drain water, and then sealed immersion Add vinegar, about a week or so you can remove l consumption. night take 2 ~ 4, chew use. 
Horseshoe Horseshoe jellyfish drink 400 grams. Jellyfish 150 grams. The horseshoe to clean skin after , jellyfish rinse with warm water after clean cut filaments. Will be injected into the pan about 1000 milliliters of water, after boiling Add Horseshoe Ding, jellyfish silk. Pot until water consumption to about 250 milliliters, they can into the container Sheng, points to the second drink. 
 kelp Laminaria 200 grams, 50 grams laver. Will kelp washed into filaments after steamed, hand-torn piece of seaweed. Put the pan of water until after boiling kelp, laver, seasonings,   can consumption after a while. 
Almond paste almonds eggs 20 grams, five grams gardenia, pepper, 5, 15 grams glutinous rice, eggs 1. The almond, gardenia, pepper, all of pounded glutinous rice, add the eggs to reconcile into a paste, apply mature足心every night before going to bed. 
Introduce a group of hypertensive therapeutic methods, particularly effective in the early stage of hypertension: 
One early in the morning with a cup of cold water about 1000ml, this could make a night to supplement the loss of water will enable the blood of at least 6 hours变淡to directly reduce the pressure on the heart and blood vessels. Atherosclerotic plaque can also enable liquefaction. 
2, limited to salt or salt-free breakfast Breakfast 
Limit salt and no salt can make blood viscosity变淡, and is conducive to glomerular filtration, a large number of urinary sodium excretion also allows in vitro to achieve the purpose of blood pressure, high blood pressure early, doctors to patients with out Hydrochlorothiazide urine diuretic drugs, such as Sierra Leone , is the mechanism of diuretic excretion, reduce blood solubilization capacity of step-down purpose. 
3, light diet 
Eat less fried food, fried, fried food, eat more vegetables and diuretic Jiangzhi food such as white gourd, boiled soybeans, etc., eat more vegetable oil, animal oil eat less.
4, the total control 
Whatever the food, you have to control to semi-saturated saturated八成's sake, do not depend on supplementary food. 
In accordance with the principles of the above-mentioned high blood pressure diet control diet, after a short time you may not need treatment of hypertension. 
     Arterial hypertension is high blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure continues to rise especially characterized by systemic, chronic vascular disease, it is a combination of factors affect the incidence results. In which dietary factors in hypertension play an important role, mainly animal fat diet, high cholesterol, and eating too much sodium, food potassium, calcium is too small (that is of poor quality protein), excessive drinking, which are dietary factors that lead to high blood pressure, so a reasonable choice in patients with essential hypertension diet is very important. 
     Hypertensive patients with normal light vegetarian main eat low-fat, low cholesterol food such as fish, lean meat, rabbit meat, beef, beans and bean products, etc., because such foods contain cholesterol low, and beans and soy products also contain Valley steroids, steroid Valley has curb the role of intestinal absorption of cholesterol. 
Vitamin has to promote the role of fat metabolism, especially vitamin C can lower cholesterol, so patients are advised more and more food containing vitamins of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, celery, shepherd's purse, radish, carrots and so on. 
It should also be appropriately selected patients with hypertension have lipid-lowering effect of some fresh food such as kelp, jellyfish, sea cucumbers, mussels, sunflower seeds, sesame and so on. Usually advised to choose cooking oils, it is best to choose peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil. 
     This disease should eat less or do not eat animal fats and cholesterol with higher levels of food, such as fatty meat, all kinds of animal oil, bone marrow, butter, liver, heart, brain, kidney, egg yolk,fish, cod liver oil, crabs and so on spicy Food should also eat less or eat. 
     Hypertensive patients to restrict salt intake, the daily salt intake to control in the 3 ~ 5 grams. Cook wish of pickles, mustard, salt, tea, eggs and other foods containing high sodium should also be eating or fasting, bananas, watermelon, apples, hawthorn, such as potassium may be more appropriate to eat more food. 
     Diet in patients with regular quantitative, not overeating, drinking liquor ban, not eat rooster, dog and so on, overweight need to diet and increased physical activity to meet the standard weight. 
     Hypertension complicated illness, high incidence, a longer course of disease, more complications, so as to prevent it is good. 
Hypertension at primary and secondary two. The reason is that the incidence of congenital carotid long distorted skull deformity artery, long-term systemic arterial blood pressure too high, the formation of an independent hypertension. Symptoms of hypertension is due to the central nervous system dysfunction, mental stimulation, mood swings, so that increased excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, increased secretion of adrenal medulla, causing small artery contraction and spasm, hardening, resulting in luminal stenosis, blood pressure continues to rise. 

Governance essential hypertension 
Prescription: Shouwu 50 grams, 25 grams Concha Haliotidis, mother-of-pearl 20 grams, chrysanthemum, Gouteng the 15 grams. 
Usage: decoction, 1 day, serving 2. 
Efficacy: 15 ~ 60 days of medication and the effective rate was 98.6 
Prescription: Yejuhua, short of the 500 grams of bamboo leaves, Chuanxiong, each 200 grams of mulberry leaves,XX 100 grams, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Cortex, Viticis, Green Muxiang each 50 grams, magnets, each 30 grams of sand silkworm. 
Usage: In addition to flowers, leaves outside medicine are subject to pulverisation mix, loaded with often shine, the dressing was changed once a month. 
Efficacy: regular pillow, and a stable blood pressure effect